Government Policy
Now that the Republicans have increased the budget ceiling, there is no chance to cut back on government spending in the short term. What a revolting development.
What government departments should be cut 100%?
1. Department of Education: Department of Defense schools should be returned to Department of Defense. The rest should be cut.
2. Department of Energy: Nuclear weapons production facilities should be returned to Department of Defense. The rest should be cut.
3. Veterans Affairs should returned to Department of Defense.
4. Labor should be cut, without exception.
5. Health and Human Services should be cut without exception. To enable the market to adapt to the changes, the cuts would be scheduled to take effect over 10 years.
6. Housing and urban development should be cut without exception. To enable the market to adapt to the changes, the cuts would be scheduled to take effect over 10 years.
7. EPA should move portions that regulate government property to the Dept of the Interior. The rest is cut without exception. Laws that pretend to regulate emissions by protecting emitters from liability be repealed. Emitters would become liable for damages done by their emissions.
8. Department of Agriculture should be cut without exception. Government's regulations which permit substandard products to be sold without liability would be abolished. The death penalty for the organization is fitting for the perpetrators of the Pigford discrimination.
The government unilaterally made promises by law, they can change the terms or abolish the promise through law. If they were privatized, losing the right to coerce money, but having to provide cost competitive services or lose customers, then Social Security would offer more than a tenth of a percent of interest per year in benefit, or people would be free to make alternative arrangements. The money in the 'trust funds' would become available to productive businesses to borrow. Social Security could be cut up into many smaller funds, (A through Z) each in competition with each other, and in competition with OTHER PRIVATE ENTITIES. None of the new SSA-SSZ entities would be too big to fail.
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