And The Usurper's administration is just as bad as one would expect from a senile grifter, installed by fraud. The Goverment Debt, balloons to over 34 Trillion dollars. Spineless surrender in Afghanistan. Outright treason, permitting millions of foreign invaders into the country.
Government policy, to the extent there is one in a headless corpse, is to feed the wars in Ukraine, Israel, but not let them be won. He is willing to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian, and fight Islamic terrorists to the last Jew.
What would I do differently?
First, Domestic Policy.
The police and the district attorney of every jurisdiction must always and everywhere be on the side of the law abiding against the violent criminal. National constitutional carry implemented. Every state is encourage to implement its own concealed carry, but all must have reciprocity with the Federal Concealed Carry license. The Federal concealed carry system requires no felonies, one 8 hour day of class, and a practical exam. The class would be taught by NRA instructors as a requirement for graduation from high school. The license would be for a period of 5 years, renewable.
Voting would require ID, and the federal concealed carry license would be a valid form of ID. Absentee ballots would be by request, and require a copy of a valid ID be included with the ballot. After voting in person, fingers should be dyed, so there is no multiple voting. Votes are cast on paper, and counted at the local voting site, and held as government records so fraud can be easily detected and prosecuted.
Shop keepers or designated employees would be permitted to use deadly force when reasonably necessary to prevent armed robbery. Michael Brown never should have left the store he robbed. Insane people would either grow enough sense to stay off the subway, or be mourned by their families. George Zimmerman, Daniel Penny, Kyle Rittenhouse et al. should get medals and a cash award for successful self defense, rather than be prosecuted. For criminal prosecutions, if found innocent, the local DA should pay their legal bills. Certainly they manage to hire public defenders for every guilty thug. Innocent people must not be bankrupted by false prosecution. The Process should no longer be the punishment.
Yes, the president should have immunity for his official acts from local prosecutors. If you disagree, let me know when you think Obama should be prosecuted for the murder of an American, by drone strike. Let me pick the trial venue. We would resolve the problem of his pension right away.
Fewer criminals means less crime. More criminals means more crime. Importing illegal alien criminals under color of requests for asylum is a conspiracy in cooperation with their crimes. People who defend themselves against illegal aliens should be given medals and a cash award. Life should be hard for illegal alien criminals, hard enough that they should enthusiastically deport themselves. Free return to their country of origin should be available by turning themselves in to their local police station. Bye.
Welfare rolls should be cut. In a free country, if you wish to provide food, housing, medical care for the indigent, you will not be stopped.
Judicial corruption, a.k.a. Lawfare is a big problem. When a judge has his decision overturned, the appelate judges should have the authority to inflict a punishment on the erroneous district attorney and judge, up to the level of the punishment that is overturned, whether in jail time, or in fines. It won't do away with judicial error, but the judges that currently get off scot-free would have skin in the game. Such a program will at least have them treading cautiously. In a just world the verdicts associate with Mark Steyn, Rand Simberg, Donald Trump would be overturned, and damages paid by the erroneous judges, and the corrupt judge and district attorney would have to serve the same time sentence that they sought for the defendants.
Fauci should be prosecuted for funding the development of the Wuhan virus. His wife should be prosecuted for corruption, because she, as the Ethical officer for the department, gave him a pass.
Ukraine was given a guarantee of independence by the US, in return for nuclear disarmament. That should be a strong reason to continue to provide aid. The continue hope that the US will not get (more) involved is a strong motivator for Putin et al. The US should negotiate a treaty with Ukraine. The same is true of Israel. Russia must withdraw from all of Ukraine, and pay reparations, the amount of reparations to be based on damages inflicted by Russia. Russia could pay part of the damages by territory. Palestine should also lose territory to Israel, based on reparations for the damages inflicted. Don't think that is fair? Don't elect terrorists.
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