Why Mommy Votes Democrat...
This is in response to the toddler propaganda "Why Mommy is a Democrat".
Mommy votes Democrat because she wants to have that nice black lady visit to clean the toilet, cook, and do the laundry for her.
Mommy votes Democrat because the nice man who speaks Spanish mows the lawn, so daddy doesn't get sweaty.
Mommy votes Democrat because she wants to have higher pay than she has earned.
Mommy votes Democrat because that keeps the mean man who pays her from firing her.
Mommy votes Democrat so that the nice teachers don't have to give mean red marks on your paper when you don't know the answer.
Mommy votes Democrat because she is too scared of the terrorists to fight them. She would rather tax the Grocer and Gas Station Owner to pay them off.
Mommy votes Democrat to keep the Grocer and Gas Station Owner from raising their prices.
Mommy votes Democrat because she hopes to make lots of money by suing your wicked doctor for making you better.
Mommy votes Democrat to keep the doctor from raising his prices.
Mommy votes Democrat because the union thugs will beat up Daddy if she doesn't.
Mommy votes Democrat because she murdered your little sister, and doesn't want to feel bad.
Mommy votes Democrat because her mommy and daddy told her to.
Mommy votes Democrat because MoveOn.org and George Soros have convinced her that socialism is better than democracy (especially when Mr. Soros gets to pull the strings!)
Mommy votes Democrat because she believes that Osama Baraka is clean and articulate and has never told a lie.
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